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European elections 2024: The time begins. 06/09/24 – Use your voice!

Writer: Denny SvalinaDenny Svalina

The 2024 European elections are just around the corner, and on June 9th the time has come: citizens from all member states of the European Union are called upon to cast their vote. This election is a crucial opportunity to shape the future of Europe and set the course for the next five years. Why is it so important to participate in this election? And how can you best prepare for it? In this blog post you will find out everything you need to know about the 2024 European elections.

Why are the 2024 European elections so important?

Influence on key decisions: The European Parliament plays a crucial role in EU lawmaking. It decides on issues that affect us all - from climate protection and economic policy to digitalization and social justice.

Strengthening democracy: Every vote cast strengthens the EU's democratic legitimacy and ensures that the diverse interests and opinions of citizens are represented.

Shaping the future: The elected representatives are committed to the European Parliament for the next five years. Your vote directly influences which political priorities are set and which projects are implemented.

Preparation for the election

1. Get informed:

Visit the websites of the various parties and candidates. Find out about their programs and positions on the issues that are important to you

Use tools similar to Wahl-O-Mat to compare your own positions with those of the parties.

2. Get involved:

Discuss the European elections and the different political positions with friends and family. An open exchange can help you understand different perspectives and sharpen your own opinions.

Participate in political events, debates or information evenings. Many cities and municipalities offer such events to inform citizens about the European elections.

3. Plan your election day:

Mark your calendar for June 9, 2024 and plan when and where you will vote.

Find out about the nearest polling station or the options for postal voting if you are unable to attend on election day.

Use your voice!

The 2024 European elections are an opportunity to help determine the direction of the European Union. Regardless of whether it is about climate protection, economic stability, social justice or digitalization - your voice counts. It gives you the opportunity to actively participate in shaping European politics and represent your interests and values.

So, get ready for June 9, 2024. Get informed, get involved and above all: #UseYourVoice. Together we can shape the future of Europe!


The clock is ticking until the 2024 European elections and it is up to us to seize this opportunity. Every vote counts and contributes to making the European Union what it should be - a strong, democratic and united Europe. So don't hesitate and join us on June 9th. #UseYourVoice and make the difference!



The Youth Forum of ASR

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