Schwäbisch Gmünd is characterized by a diverse political landscape in which various parties play an important role. These parties represent different ideologies and political views that reflect the interests of citizens.
CDU - Christian Democratic Union
The CDU is an established political force in Schwäbisch Gmünd and advocates Christian-conservative values. Their support is based on a long-standing presence and strong commitment to the community.
SPD - Social Democratic Party of Germany
The SPD represents social issues and advocates for social justice. Their successes in Schwäbisch Gmünd are based on a strong base of supporters who value their efforts for social improvement.
Alliance 90 / The Greens
The Greens are known for their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. In Schwäbisch Gmünd they have gained a growing following due to their environmental agenda and social concerns.
FDP - Free Democratic Party
The FDP represents liberal ideas and advocates economic freedom. Their presence in Schwäbisch Gmünd is based on the support of citizens who share their demands for more individual rights and economic freedom.
The left
The Left is committed to social justice and solidarity. In Schwäbisch Gmünd she finds support among those who are committed to a fairer society.
AfD - Alternative for Germany
The AfD, a right-wing populist party, has gained influence in recent years. She represents conservative and nationalist views that resonate with parts of the population.
Free voters
The Free Voters support local concerns and act independently of fixed party structures. Their success in Schwäbisch Gmünd is based on their focus on the needs of local citizens.
The parties vary in their presence on social media and websites. Some have an active social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, while others have a less prominent presence. Websites are available to most parties where they present their goals, candidates and political programs.
The Youth Forum ASR GD warmly greets all politically interested young people and encourages them to take an active part in political discussions and decisions.