Elektro statt Diesel — Aradex Embracing Change in Schwäbisch Gmünd Area
Times are changing, and companies must adapt to remain sustainable for the future. A prime example of this is the Aradex AG in Lorch, which has decided to actively embrace the transformation. During a visit by Minister of Economic Affairs, Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, it became evident how far the company has progressed in its change process.
Jens Müller, a long-time employee at Aradex, is well aware of the challenges ahead: "The transformation requires effort and dedication, but we have no other choice. Electrification is a political decision, and more and more of our customers are opting for electric drives."
Usually, when we think of the transformation in the automotive industry, we associate it with major car manufacturers. However, the transformation goes much further, as Aradex demonstrates. The company develops propulsion systems for commercial vehicles, construction machinery, and ships. Whether on airport runways or in underground mining, the solutions must meet complex requirements.
Aradex is ready to face the new challenges head-on. The focus is on electromobility and sustainable propulsion solutions. The future strategy is clear: Electric instead of diesel.
Read more about Aradex's plans and the lessons that can be learned from the Chinese experience in the Rems-Zeitung.